Dear Sir,
As our Suit is very old of the year 1948, which is still pending in Final decree proceedings from 1986,
We had approach high court regarding one Interlocutary Application in the same FDP when it was dismisssed in trial court, Then our Writ petition was also dismissed by the High court,
but we requested the Judge to direct the trial court to finish of FDP in 3 months, The honorable judge did so by mentioning in the order some 1 year back.
But, Now the trial court Judge is asking us to write for extension of time to High court and not letting us to file any new Interlocutary application,
as the suit is very complex and minimum it requires another 1 year and more to finish.
But our Lawyer says we cannot write to high court asking extension of time. but the trial court judge is unrelently asking every time for extension of time.
Question: Can we write or approach high court seeking extension of time for our trial court FDP case, How to proceed through lawyer or cn parties do it.