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Vikash Kumar   12 December 2017

False allegations

I am living in Bangalore for past 2.5 years. Last year my uncle has file false case in court after FIR in police against each member of my family that we all have beaten him mercilessly on back of dispute on land in gorakhpur ( a city in U.P).He also presented two eye witness on paper.

Actually on those particular days i was in Bangalore and also came to office.
My father consulted a local lawyer and he said i need to come to gorakhpur and get bail on the case.
Do I actually need to go and appear in court all the way back to gorakhpur to get bail on that case?
what can i do to get the hassle-less solution?
Can anyone file false case to disturb anyone like this?
Can i avoid going back to gorakhpur only for this case?


 1 Replies

KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate)     12 December 2017

Dear friend,

Ask your father to approach High Court through an Advocate and stayed the said proceedings at least against you. You will definately get justice in High Court,  please come to my office with prior permission and remitting fees to LAWYERSCLUBOFINDIA, I will try to solve your problem.
If you are not from Karnataka State then send your full question and documents to my e-mail.
With regards,
Retd Judge

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