I filed for divorce from my now ex-wife, who was cruel to both me and our minor daughter, and was having an affair that I found out about and have proof.
We were staying in a company rental apartment, when I took my child and left after filing for divorce and custody. This was after months of asking for a mutual seperation and counselling as I was still willing to work things out. But she refused as she comes from a lower income family and the apartment we were staying in is considered a luxury home in Chennai.
She filed a fake DV case and has been staying in that flat now for two years under police protection. The landlord is demanding my company pay. They are about to fire me as the company is under great duress to pay the landlord the rent accrued for my ex wife plus the maintenace, electricity etc.
I cannot understand how a court can give protection to someones elses home. We have no property bought after marriage as I never felt like buying anything in our names. Thank God! Can she ask for ancestral property that may come to me later in life?
I have custody of the child, but she has visitiation for a few days. She was an abusive mother who never took care of the child. But the court does not see all this and gives her night stay. I feel like the laws are all for the women and not for men.
What can I do to get her out of the house. She is educated and working.
Please help.