Generically speaking; Succession opens on date of death and IT is time for notional partition ….
Since you have not responded to 1st reply based on Hindu Succession Act and have not clarified the personal law that applies therefore IT is believed that you are all Hindu..
In case of Hindu male that dies without disposing his self earned/acquired/share in ancestral property by a valid/registered deed in his life time;
The 1st right is of ClassI legal heirs i.e. Mother (if alive as on date of death of Hindu male), Wife (if alive as on date of death of Hindu male), sons and daughters……………….including the sons and daughters that have predeceased…………….
The share of sons and daughters that have predeceased or have deceased later (after death of their father) their ClassI legal heirs shall have 1st right on share from property of their father..
In case of deceased Hindu woman dying without disposing her estate/property in her life time by a valid/registered deed ClassI,II is not applicable rather nature and source of property matters.
If the property is self acquired/earned/absolute in the hands of Hindu woman the 1st right is of her husband and sons, daughters…………
If property is acquired from husband side and 1st right is of her sons, daughters…………
So if mother and wife of your grandfather were not alive as on date of his death then his 7 children will get equal share…..Share of his children that have predeceased or have deceased later shall devolve upon their legal heirs…as already explained..
If mother and wife of your grandfather were not alive as on date of his death then his 9 legal heirs get equals share.If they deceased without disposing thier share in thier life time then thier share devolves upon thier legal hiers e.g; Mother of Grandfather's share upon her legal heirs,..Grandmother's share upon her sons and daughters...