Respected Shashi kumarji and others,
Thanks for advice not to take risk on a piece of paper like cheque. But still my question dated 02.03.2011 remained unanswered. Again "since you are aware that it takes time in courts" why? Mal practice should be stopped at court level also. Procedure in court hearings should be adopted in which innocent persons should be acquitted at once and at the same time guilty persons should be punished without delay. Adjournments should not be given except in rarest of rare case without imposing cost, and cost should be of the nature that discourage the person who requires adjournment on any ground. The adjournment application should be made at least on Rs. 1000/- stamp paper or 1% of face value of cheque amount whichever is more for either party. Adequate punishment should be provided when case ended in conviction so that there should be "fear psyche" in the mind of guilty persons. If false complaints are filed, the complainant should be suitably punished. Bail provisions should be made more hard so that no one can drag the proceedings. More judges should be appointed and more courts should be opened. But most important of them not to adjourn the case for next hearing and adequate punishment of guilty persons. All of us will see that there will be tremendous increase in court cases, but the time period of completion of them will be less. In our country, very less % of dishounored cases comes in our court due to delayness and other hardships.
Hoping justice will be given in judicial system without delay,
With regard,