Is your mother holding the cash and has she transferred part of the funds to your sister as the latter's share or as gift? Did you ask your mother? What did she say? Had your father written any Will? If so what has been written in the Will?
Your sister filed the civil suit for the partition when your father was alive. Did the suit include cash assets also? I presume the suit would have been filed against your father. After the death of your father the situation completely changed. Between whom is now the case? Are you now a party to the suit?
Generally parents love all their children equally and will not show any discrimination. From what you state there appears to be discrimination. What is the reason for that? Are you married? Were you married before your father's death? How was and how is the relationship between your wife and your parents. What is your occupation? What are the occupations of your sister and mother? If your sister is married what is the occupation of your brother-in-law?