I have executed an MoU and PoA with Mr A in respect of a property which I purchased from Mr V on MoU and PoA.
The predecessor owners X have played some fraud in respect of this property giving false declarations to revenue and affected a transfer in name of V. This false declaration has adversely affected my right in the property.
My attorney Mr A filed private complains in court for this fraud and taking cognizance court initiated enquiry and procedings.First the complainnat of case was Mr A but now this has changed to State. My question is why?
Secondly I feel that Mr X being a rich and influential person, can induce Mr A and the court and police machinery and can get the case withdrawn. If the case is withdrawn I can not file a case against him for same offence. How can I become party in that criminal case as it is affecting my interest? If the case is withdrawn, Can I file an appeal for the same?
Dear experts, your opinion solicited/