@ Prath,
1. There is no need and requirement ot quote any judgment as Payment of Gartuity Act 1972 is statue and as provided for by Sec;2A:::: and already posted "If the establishment works for 6days/less than 6days per week and employee has worked for 240/190 days in year (off days/holidays etc included) then employee is eligible."
2. Moresoover A judgmernt on a central govt. enactment by a HC is valid throughout in the territory of India.
Submit under proper acknowledgment of course ( By Redg. post, followed by email attaching the scanned copies and also tracking report from India Post website....................If required obtain certified copy of run sheet of postman from PO) , FormI with a covering letter narrating all previous reprsentations (mention names/dates/brief minutes) and conclude that the Notice of Determination of Gratuity and payment of gratuity was n ot supplied within within 30 days from LWD, and rather Mr/ Ms............................stated that..................
3. Gratuity is wiothout any cost to employee. It has been discussed in many threads at LCI that you can search in the search option on right hand side of this webpage e.g;
The practise may get termed as termed minor fraud, unfair.
If you are unable to resolve on your own lean on a very able counsel specializing in labor -service matters.