post master retired on 31 St may 2018 with good quality service on superannuation putting 40 years of service . up to April 2018 my pay and allowances were drawn correctly. but in the month of may it was reduced from rs 62200. plus Da to 60400 .still to day the reason was not officially intimated. by enquiries it was told that pay was paid excess from 2006 and it was ordered for recovery.the fact is that I am actually paid correctly and my batch officials during joining and retired on the same day paid correctly as of mine..the fact is that the pay drawing official committed mistake during pay fixation resulting huge financial loss in my retired benefits and my pension.mentally I am badly torchered with financial loss.. kindly please intimate the legal steps to be taken for settlement of pay and pension. thanking you sir yours faithfully
Hanumant rayappa. retired post master grade 2 Baragur Sira Tumkur 572213 Mob no 9481693119 .