How many false 498a wife can file in one marriage? If wife is ready to say that 498a is false , Can she again file 498a in her marriage life?
How many false 498a wife can file in one marriage? If wife is ready to say that 498a is false , Can she again file 498a in her marriage life?
Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant ( 13 October 2012
Yes on the same analogy as if once you hit somebody you can be punished for it once. The wife can complaint end number of times, however not for the same act or series of acts.
Bala (Advocate) 13 October 2012
Dear sirs
A woman got an ex-parte divorce decree in 2011.
Can she file a domestic violence case now against her former husband?
will it withstand the limitiation clause if any?