mohammad aarif khan silawat (lawyer) 17 September 2008
Ajay kumar singh (Advocate) 18 September 2008
Shreehariram (Advocate) 21 September 2008
dear friend as per muslim law the wife will get 1/8th share of her husbands if there are more than one wife each wife should divide in that one share among themselfs, then each son will get 2 shares and each dauters will get 1 share each. For Eg: there are 2 wifes, 4sons and 4 dauthers
The share will be divided in the following basis
First 1/8 share will go to the 2 wifes, then the remaining 7 shares should be divided into 12 shares , in that each son will get 2 shares each and each dauter will get 1 share each. This is the way of share distribution among Muslims as per Muslim law.
For further details mail me to my mail id