A lady belongs to General Category (Caste Thakur) was resides at Moradabad UP.
Man belongs to ST (Tribe Tharu of Uttrakhand) was resides at Rampur.
Both got love marriage which was solemanised as per Hindu rituals at Moradabad by parents of lady. Now she has two childern from him. And man is curel moreover having affairs with other lady's. Hence Lady is seeking Divorce from him.
As the man also follow all customs and rituals of his tribes immedieate after his marriage while reaching at his home town at Kummao in Uttrakhand.
He used to say she can't do anything for divorce as it is not maintainable in any court of law and not able to leave her as well not able to get any kind of maintenance in future.
Kindly confirm if is there any provision or any judgement where she can get justice.
Dhiraj Kumar