Hi Sir,
Please advice,
My name is Sam , i got married in 2011 stayed together for 3 Months she conceived , at that time we have some disturbances . Now its 2016 she not came to me. I heard that i had Baby girl.
She come often and stay for 2 to 4 days and again leave me witout intimation and go home to her parents.
I went multiple times to her home and asked her to come to me. Her parents and she playing games and not coming to me and not giving my kid to me.
Now when i ask my wfe to give kid to me she is saying that , i should accept for Mutual divorce and should accept to Give whole money that they spend for marriage.
and started blackmailing me saying that they Put up case on me like that i took"Dowry".
I did not take 1 rupee as dowry. Both parties mutually agreed to have 1 lakh gold for girl and we given the same , we have the Bill (Mangal Sutra , Ring , Nalapusalu chain)
My father in law sayng that they given me 4 hechare land , but registered with her daughter name. even thoy they are claining on us.
Now they are trying to file case on saying that i ave took Dowry. No bank transaction done or no money given to us.
1) Please advice what are the precautions i shoud take before they put case on me
2) what is the cases they can put on me and my family ?
3) My father in law asking for settlement , i have recorded the call conversations and messages. Please advice how can they helpfull for me
4) They are trying to keep case on me saying that i took Dowry ? in that time i would like to file counter case , is it possible ?
5) How many years of jail for Giving dowry and taking dowry ?
6) How to file for divorce , because my wife not coming to me from last five years, i lost my personal life ? Can i get divorce because she is away from me from last 5 years ?
7) how can i get my daughter bcak to me.?
8) she is doing job , should i give any money or maintainance to her if we get separate ?