I work with a reputed bank in bangalore. Recently i had applied a transfer to my home town citing my parents health. I had been transferred and released by my supervisor other than my HR manager.. As my transfer had been initiated all my supervisors and line of authority was changed to the supervisors in my home town. I had gone on leave for a wedding to my hometown and was asked by the HR managers junior to join there directly. Hence with the oral approval of the HR managers junior i had joined there. after a week when my HR had resumed office he questioned my joining at my hometwon and asked me to join back here in bangalore. He has blocked my system without any notice, and on finding out i have been told that the ID can be blocked only in 2 cases , one if i am absconding - which i wasnt as i was reporting there in my home town and secondly if i have done some fraud which my past records have stated that i am very clear on those grounds. The HR manager is harassing me and even has taken an apology letter threatening me with a termination. I have all the mails documented which say that the HR managers junior was aware of the verbal communication that she had given me to join which she is backing out from now as she is afraid to lose her job. Request your kind help how to legally bring the HR mnager to notice as it is a clear case o harassment by them as all managers are aware of the case but making me the scrapegoat to save their skins.