I had come down for my delivery and just after 15 days of my delivery, My husband living abroad has cancelled my dependant visa. He has now stopped answering my phonecalls and putting all false aligation on me that I have deserted him and taken away all his money and jewellery. My inlaws in India have also filed a case on me. I also requested my husband to come and meet my newborn and take me via e-mail. My husband is calling all this emotional blackmailing and putting all false stories on records. Its been now 5 months that i have heard no call nor any email from him.
He has my name on the passport, can he get it cancelled and can get remairried abroad without a divorce?
Will his parents staying in India can be sued in case he gets underground abroad
How can I punish him
Can I give my name to my newborn in his important credentials like Birth certificate and still file for maintenance from him.
If I put my name for my son then will all my son's rights on his fathers property and rights will diminish.
Please help me, as I want to punish a guy who got me pregnant, sent me india and did not even turn up to see his own child.