Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 11 March 2012
Rightly said once again.
Shonee Kapoor
bhima balla (none) 11 March 2012
Disrespect for parents/husband must be a ground for mental cruelty and divorce. So the disrespect and abuse of one's parents, who have raised their children with much sacrifice and hardwork, does not amount to cruelty. This is absurd. When such high standards are set in this case for divorce how can one accept the provisions under PWDVA-several/none of which even come close to cruelty? Marriage is a curse in India!
bhima balla (none) 11 March 2012
Disrespect for parents/husband must be a ground for mental cruelty and divorce. So the disrespect and abuse of one's parents, who have raised their children with much sacrifice and hardwork, does not amount to cruelty? This is absurd. When such high standards are set in this case for divorce how can one accept the provisions under PWDVA-several/none of which even come close to cruelty? Marriage is a curse in India!
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 11 March 2012
Not when things are said on instigation and not repeated.
We Punjabis for example have a habit of imputing one's mother and sister in choicest words, when angry, however most don't mean it.
Shonee Kapoor
bhima balla (none) 12 March 2012
Heat of moment,once-maybe. But anything so said -if the person did not mean it, should immediately apologise. If no apology-then it is construed they must have mean't it. Also these are rarely one time issues. Even if said in the heat of the moment, it does not take away from the fact that it has hurt the other party. Without due apology, the chapter will be open and animosity will grow-grow enough to break trust and families. In the case above did the woman in question apologize (meaningfully?). Ego prevents one from apologizing-which is root cause of the evil.
I did not think the above case has addressed these issues and hence incomplete.
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 12 March 2012
Again, if it is matter of routine flaring up or once in a while flaring up, it has to be ignored.
The same thing hold good for both spouses.