Dear Sirs,
I recently bought a flat in an apartment. At the registration time we found there is case filled on that land survey number plus with some more survey numbers. As i understood that the case is related to some girls share of property. Which they filled it on so many survey numbers altoegter coming around 50 acres. I bought the flat that in which an apartment of 35 flats. That apartment is constructed in 4 plots of total 1900 sqyrds. Which is a part of two survey numbers. There are lot other plots in other survey numbers to. Lot of other people bought the Plots and flats in that survey numbers and apartment. This case is filled recently in last august. What might be the worst case consequnce I might recive with this case. Is that case applicable to flat buyes in that? People are saying that this case will be applicable only to the land owners and maximum it will come upto developer, but not the buyers of flats. Is that correct?