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Impotency in husband

hello everyone 

i have a case to discuss. 

Girl was married to a boy who was us citizen. They spent 6 nights together after marriage. 

after 6 days girl came back home complaining that boy was impotent 

case was filed in court and court annulled marriage on basis of written document by boy that he was impotent. 

girl father after that again filed a case of harassment and recovery of finances on boys father. 

now in the case boy s father has come up with the semen analysis (stating normal ) and concluding that allegation of impotency are false. doctor has not been listed as witness and never called in 

doctor in physical examination report just said that it is being done for semen adequacy. 

what can be best presented before judge that semen analysis is not conclusive proof of impotency


Kindly guide

 17 Replies

Pratap K Pushpakaran (Advocate)     27 October 2014

for obtaining  decree of divorce on the ground of impotency the wife must establish that  " the husband was impotent at the time of the marriage and continued to be so until the institution of the proceeding"

in the intant case the semen test produced by the husband side is not an admissible piece of evidence since the semen test is not legal and proper way to prove potency. medically and legally  impotency is m often termed as erectile dysfunction. Potency is a harmonic combination of physical and mental state to get the marriage consummated. Erection is not necessary for ejaculation and can be achieved without erection is what that is medically proved fact. my suggestion is to move the court (if your sure of the state of affairs) with an interloculatory application under Section 75(e) read with Order 26, Rule 10A of the Code of Civil Procedure  to direct the husband to undergo PIPE test Rigi scan monitor, PICP test (for penile intra Corporeal pressure) and DDPU test (Duplex Doppler penile Ultrasound) which is now a proved test for having a scientific opinion regarding potency.

Then the husband shall be  examined by a team doctors consisting Urologist, Psychiatrist, Gynaecologist and a general physician in an institution having scientific facilities for the tests. if you want to prove yourself to be virgin also ask the court to permit his to be examined by the Gynaecologist in the same institute where the husband tests are carried out.



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Prasad (Systems Engineer)     27 October 2014

Hi Navdeep,
For God's sake, I pray to you.  Please advice the girl and her father, not to mess up with the most purest form of our culture namely "the marital s*x".
S*x is not just physical. The most purest form of marital s*x is both physical and psychological. A pure physical s*x is called rape.
Like Advocate Pratap says "Potency is a harmonic combination of physical and mental state to get the marriage consummated.".
Two people, who do not know each other well, have got married. And within 6 days, the girl complains that the boy is impotent.
How does the girl know what is impotency unless she is a doctor or had s*x before marriage?
How will the boy know whether he is impotent before marriage unless he had s*x before marraige?
May be the girl has a misconception about impotency and boy was ashamed to discuss his problem further and hence gave written statement.
We all know that, our Indian culture repects the law of nature and does not indulge in premarital s*x.
Then why is this complaint and case?
If the girl is not satisfied with his husband's s*xual performance, they should see doctor for advice.
All doctors unanimously say that the impotency or erectile dysfunction is fully curable.
If she does not want to see doctor, then they should take mutual divorce or annullment.
She and her father should not humuliate the man by calling him impotent. 
Everyone is God's creation.
God does not create impotents and infertiles.
What if the girl was found infertile after a time? Can her husband file a case of "infertility" and claim recovery of finances?
Let go for PICP and DDPU only if the girl and boy want to live together. Do not go for these tests to claim money and defame a man.
What if the girl was found infertile after a time? Can her husband file a case of "infertility" and claim recovery of finances?

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     27 October 2014

Can you also list down the tests that law suggests that should be done on a female to prove that she is really fertile.
Doesn't a man have right to annul his marriage if the girl is found to be infertile?
Please advise.


after 6 days boy confessed to the fact that he is impotent . he even confessed  that he was on drugs and even got arrested for same in us. we were even trying our ways to get his records from us ( will need suggestions for the same ) 

he gave an affidavit also stating that he was impotent so could not consumate the marriage. 

But now boy has been sent to usa back and his father is backing off from the statement that his son was impotent and cooking up stories that he gave affidavit on girls fathers request. 


he gave a semen analysis report and opd slip of a urologist that he was potent. ( private doctor )

doctor was not even listed as witness.

i need 3 things 

1) text or ruling that a semen analysis is not the only consideration to prove potency or impotency.

2) that impotency and infertility are two different things 

3 ) that a simple semen analysis report is not a legal proof and not a medical certificate 


thank you 




Mr parsad when a boy concealed a fact that he is impotent and married a girl isnt it menatl torture, isnt it a fruad and when a perosn is on drugs will u let your daughter or sister live with such a man. 

imagine girl to be someone from your side and when you spent lakhs of rupee on wedding which crashes like a hoax. how will u feel and caliming money and defaming person is only way as this case otherwise dont have a valid sentence or punishment which even now courts are accepting 


read this article,d.dGc

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     27 October 2014

I am not underestimating the pain the girl and her family would have gone through because of this grave cheating.
But I am trying to put complete picture in perspective based on all the details I have. So that you can take better judgement of your case.
Before the girl's father decided to spend lakhs of rupees in marriage, they should have spend few thousand or a lakh rupee to enquire about the boy with whom his daughter is going to spend rest of her life. Hope such father's become more vigilant after knowing about such incidences. May be the girl's father was more carried away by the fact that "the boy was US citizen" than enquiring anything else about the boy.
Now you also started adding additional details like drug use. See whether you can prosecute the boy for hiding the drug use as well.
I think, now, following things have to be proven to get any financial recovery from the boy and his father.
- The court appointed Govt doctor has to certify the potency of the boy and also how long the problem existed.
- Also the doctor has to comment on "selective impotence" of the man.The man with selective impotence is potent only with certain women. If the boy has selective impotence, he cannot be prosecuted. This becomes a case of chance rather than intentional.
- The girl has to prove that she was virgin during the marriage and till she filed this case.
When the boy is found guilty more focus should be on the right punishment for him rather than money.
Also, remember that, when the boy gets finally punished, if found guilty, the girl's name also will be in judgement along with his name. The judgement can be published in newspapers. So, please request the honourable court to handle this case privately so that the girl's identity can be hidden considering her future.
Infertility and Impotency are 2 different things but has same consequences. Both these problems can be found only after marriage or by a medical test. Both the problems are curable in most of the cases. 
In any case, a man or woman should not be humiliated if he or she have this problem.
Rather they should be supported medically and emotionally to overcome this problem.

Additional resources

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     27 October 2014

Dear Sh. Navdeep, Sh. Pratap K. Pushkaran has given a fine piece of advice to you.  In further postings, you are muddling the issue, which may not help you to get clear legal advice. 
So, confine yourself to the legal issues and there is no need to justify your actions.  By your querry, what I understand is that the marriage has been finally dissolved by annulment decree.  AM I CORRECT?  I further understand, after that girl or her father filed further case to recover the marriage expenses and compensation?  AM I CORRECT?  Now,  my question is that what further case the girl's father filed, in which boy's father filed the private doctor's certifcate?  What type of suit he filed?  Next, to clarify that the admissibility of the private doctor's certificate, just by producing such certificate, it cannot be proved.  The doctor has to come and prove his signature and the contents of the certificate.  Then, girl's advocate has got several questions to put before the doctor to find out whether such certificate conclusively prove the potency.  And further, legal impotency and medical impotency, both are quite different.  The boy's admission of his impotency on oath before the court is conclusive and there shall be no qualms about that.  Finally, answer to your three questions:

) text or ruling that a semen analysis is not the only consideration to prove potency or impotency.

Yes. Those rulings are available and ask your advocate to find out Delhi High Court's judgement delivered by Justice V.K. Shali in 2012 and 2013.

2) that impotency and infertility are two different things:  Yes. They are two different things.  An impotent woman will be necessarily infertile.  But an infertile woman need not be impotent and she can actively participate in s*xual acts and marriage can be consummated.

3 ) that a simple semen analysis report is not a legal proof and not a medical certificate

It is a legal proof if it is  proved in accordance with the provisions of evidence Act.  But it is not conclusive proof.  Further, expert opinion has got its own limitations.  The counsels have got their own line of arguments  to discredit such opinions and the courts have always held their discretionary power to refuse to rely on such expert opinions including medical opinions.

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By your querry, what I understand is that the marriage has been finally dissolved by annulment decree.  AM I CORRECT? 

yes marriage has been annuled.

I further understand, after that girl or her father filed further case to recover the marriage expenses and compensation?  AM I CORRECT? 

yes it is lawsuit to recover the damages

Now,  my question is that what further case the girl's father filed, in which boy's father filed the private doctor's certifcate?  What type of suit he filed?

sir girls father filed a lawsuit that marriage has been annuled on the basis of impotency and hence he filed recovery of expenses alongwith the harrasment charges for hiding the fact that the boy is impotent.

Boys affidavit counter attested by the oath commissioner had been deposited with the court.

But Boys father refused that his son is impotent though he said that his son signed the affidavit. he had deposited the semen analysis report and opd slip only and himself concluded that his son is not impotent


Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     27 October 2014

Once the competent matrimonial court decided the issue that the boy was impotent and annuled the marriage, the issue cannot be agitated by the boy/his father in damages suit.  The court which is deciding the damages is barred to decide the impotency quetion again.  This court has to start from the conclusive proof that the boy is impotent and further proceed that in the given facts, whether the girl side is entitled to any monetary relief or not.  Otherwise also, as I said earlier that medical certificate has no value as it has not been proved in accordance with evidence Act.

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Sandeep Naik (Advocate)     27 October 2014

I have read the above discussion in details.

all the above honourable personalities are male and can very well understand the nature of s*x to be performed. Just imagine if the person has no feelings against the female  or hates the female then whether the act can be formed. Secondly if the male is under very stressful condition/or exhausted physically/mentally  for any reason  then can the said act be performed ? It is possible that the said boy might be under such situation . Whether the said lady tried to understand him or forced him to perform act we dont know . It is done within four closed walls and only both the concerned persons know it. We are just expressing our opinions. May be all the above honourable personalities having vast knowledge right in their views. With due respect to the said couple, whether both tried to understand each other before marriage ? Why the fathers are in litigation trying to heal  their wounded egos by accusing and counter attacking each other ? It s a new generation and let both of them decide. Why should we fight in this forum ? M sorry if anyone of u r hurt. Regards

Adv. Sandeep Naik . Mob : 99670 56980

Sandeep Naik (Advocate)     27 October 2014

I have read the above discussion in details.

all the above honourable personalities are male and can very well understand the nature of s*x to be performed. Just imagine if the person has no feelings against the female  or hates the female then whether the act can be formed. Secondly if the male is under very stressful condition/or exhausted physically/mentally  for any reason  then can the said act be performed ? It is possible that the said boy might be under such situation . Whether the said lady tried to understand him or forced him to perform act we dont know . It is done within four closed walls and only both the concerned persons know it. We are just expressing our opinions. May be all the above honourable personalities having vast knowledge right in their views. With due respect to the said couple, whether both tried to understand each other before marriage ? Why the fathers are in litigation trying to heal  their wounded egos by accusing and counter attacking each other ? It s a new generation and let both of them decide. Why should we fight in this forum ? M sorry if anyone of u r hurt. Regards

Adv. Sandeep Naik . Mob : 99670 56980

Sandeep Naik (Advocate)     27 October 2014

I have read the above discussion in details.

all the above honourable personalities are male and can very well understand the nature of s*x to be performed. Just imagine if the person has no feelings against the female  or hates the female then whether the act can be formed. Secondly if the male is under very stressful condition/or exhausted physically/mentally  for any reason  then can the said act be performed ? It is possible that the said boy might be under such situation . Whether the said lady tried to understand him or forced him to perform act we dont know . It is done within four closed walls and only both the concerned persons know it. We are just expressing our opinions. May be all the above honourable personalities having vast knowledge right in their views. With due respect to the said couple, whether both tried to understand each other before marriage ? Why the fathers are in litigation trying to heal  their wounded egos by accusing and counter attacking each other ? It s a new generation and let both of them decide. Why should we fight in this forum ? M sorry if anyone of u r hurt. Regards

Adv. Sandeep Naik . Mob : 99670 56980

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     27 October 2014

Respected Mr.Sandeep Sir...

I completely agree with you.

Being an advocate, you have been sensitive to the critical issue.

Thank you for your understanding,

K.K.Ganguly (Advocate)     29 October 2014

1. Semen adequacy is not a proof of potency,


2. He should have produced potency certificate,


3. However, the husband's admission in this regard may be treated as conclusive and any complaint of forcible admission will not accepted at such a later stage.

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