Dear members, please guide on following position : A property(under construction) was purchased(repurchased) jointly by husband & wife through sale deed for which home loan was taken in which husband was main applicant & wife was co-applicant & EMIs were being paid from joint bank account in which husband name was first, husband died in 2013 without writing a WILL, since death wife is paying EMIs of loan from another bank a/c in which her name is first. Please guide would wife get full possession of property being co-owner(joint owner) of property & on the basis of payment being paid from joint a/c or EMIs being paid by wife. Husband left behind 2 kids, wife, mother (drawing husband's pension). Please guide about the legal position of property, wife is full owner of property or wife is just legal heir class1 of Hindu Succession Act with kids & mother-in-law. How to proceed for property. Soon, builder has to handover possession of property, so how to get husband's share in her name.Please guide.