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anantha madhav (ARM)     05 October 2010

jurisdiction in 498a

Hello All

what would  be jurisdiction of  498a case in my case

·        My left me purposely for their family problems 11 months

·        After 6 months she filed a 498a case against me when I went to pick her up and came back

Distance from the last resided place and her parental home is more than 600 kms and belongs to the same State in Andhra Pradesh

What would be the jurisdiction ?

·        Last place resided

·        Her parental home

ur answers wub b apprecaited


 3 Replies

Tribhuwan Pandey (Advocate)     05 October 2010

where the offence u/s 498A committed as alleged in FIR.

If partly committed both places both the courts have jurisdiction. But it is the choice of complainat where she wants to institute.

M.P.KRISHNAIAH (ADVOCATE)     06 October 2010

I agree with T.Pandey garu.

Saida Reddy Kayithi (CEO)     10 October 2010

the most important point in a 498A case is where the cruelty/ harassment had taken place.  if there was no occassion for harassment either at in-law's place as you never resided there or at the place where you last resided and if the incident alleged in the fir is a fabricated one, you will win the case.  then why bother about the point of jurisdiction? let the other side do as many mistakes as they can.  it will help you in getting an acquittal.

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