I had taken a loan from a pvt bank in mubai in the year 2005 dec. Two installements were religiously paid. Unfortunately due to some family issues i had to come back to my hometown, keeping the loan unpaid.
now after 10 years of this, bank people came in contact with my relatives, and started harassing them for my loan account. I spoke to them and asked them to amicably settle the dues, of a lesser value as i am not in a good financial condition.
They have been repetedly calling up my relatives, my parents and speaking foul statements over the phone. They have not dared to do that with me as I did not boe down to them.
I need an advice, how to go about this, as I do want to settle this, and save my relatives from being harrased. Now at this point I'd Like to mention that i did try to seek help from the Local police station, unfortunately I was returned by them stating,It is not their business. If I am being harrassed, its my problem, I need to help myself.