Dear friends
Husband had filed MC petition for divorce, wife filed HMA 24 and the judge awarded 1000rs plus 5000/= litigation expense and she also have an awardin DV act of 5000 rs.
now all that is husband got documents to say that she is working and getting salary.
the wife counsel filed a memo for arrears of maoney and husband said she has concealed the material fact and has not disclosed the fact that she is working and has played fruadbut he judge said as the order is not set aside by a higher court it is enforceable. even though husband said it is nullity and non est in the eye of law.
now the husband want to challenge in District court
can he file appeal under section 96
can file petiton to set aside under Order 43(1) Read with section 104 of CPC
or Writ is the only option in 226.
but law says it can be challenged in any court and the the order is vitioated by itself kindly help.