Originally posted by :chandrasekhar.7203@ gmail.com | ||
" | That reply was given to Ananya not to you. For both of you I had given another small reply above that. You have not noticed it. In some other thread I also said prostitution is already legal in India. S.497 of IPC Adultery does not penalize an unmarried woman if she indulges in s*xual relationship with a married man. And if a married man wants to be a pimp, he can give his consent ("connivance" is the word used in law for consent) to another man to enjoy his wife then it does not come under the definition of adultery. So the law of adultery in India gives wide scope for women and men who want make the choice of prostitution and brothal business as their careers. There is no need of separate legislation for it. Lord Macaulay who had written Indian Penal Code prior to 1860 had foresight of modern thinkers emerging after 2010 so he designed law of Adultery like that. Men and women who want to make their lives "profitable" without having to be part of institution of family and marriage are free to enter the profession of prostitution and brothal business and try their luck. No stoppage. There are many societies in India. If you want to create a new society you have a right to create it. Why cry foul about a society that follows the institution of marriage when you are free to be part of society that you want to create? You propagate your theories to people, change them, create a new religion if you want. Why do you want to be part of Hindu society and change Hindu laws? Abandon this society and create a society of your own and have your followers and show the way to the world. | " |
prostitution in public place isnot legal mr. chandrashekhar. i am talking about legalizing prostitution in public place.
so far adultery is concerned my point is that presently adultery is a criminal offence . do not criminalize adultery: make it a civil offence that will result in payment of damage, not jail. is it very difficult for you to understand sir ? .and also women should be punished if she commits adultry.
So the law of adultery in India gives wide scope for women and men who want make the choice of prostitution and brothal business as their careers. of course, if adult women want to come into prostitution, they should not be prevented. they should be given freedom because it is a democrasy that ensures freedom. i find no wrong in it personally. i don't care if anyone finds.
if hindu society abandon freedom of individual, fall back to barbaric middle age value, has no respect for an individual's lifestyle rather treat human being as a heard of sheeps, it will be better for me or for everybody to abandon such hindu society. i am a hindu. from my very childhood all i see about hindu is :
1] meaningless rituals: very expensive and meaningless.
2] stupid values: worship dead idols. do all sort of unscientifc hocus pocus things.
3] no freedom of thought: accept what is told by scriptture and naked illiterate fakirs
4] no respect for an individual's lifestyle: always conform to the damn social norm.
5] hatred/ violence on love: honor killing, attack on lovers by communal thugs, violence on valentine's day etc
6] a natural hatred to science: how many hindus fund science instead of naked fakirs and dead temples?
this hindu society of yours is not worth living in. it is choking man. it kills one's freedom. no right thinking man should live in such a barberous society.
as for myself , yes, i wanna live in a new society where there is freedom of thought, logic, rationalism. where people respect individual freedom. there should be no SOCIAL NORM to conform to. everybody will do what they love to do. there should be no fear in my new society. everybody will be accepted as they are. there should be no sanskar or false make up sort of thing. there should be a natural love for science and knowledge and wisdom. i think it will be far better. won't it be Mr. chandrashekhar the hindu?
the present hindu society lives in the middle ages. it has no hope. it is already rotten. this society has become a shame for india. i am just trying to do a small correction so that this hindu society can again see the light of science and reason from the dark clutch of superstition and violence. if you have difficuty with that, please stay away. nobody need you here to preach hocus pocus gibberish.