Descripttion - Filed petition on desertion - Husband(petitioner), respondent - wife, respondent not agreeing for divorce, respondent filed IA for Child custody which court dismissed the IA. The MC case somehow got dismissed. Now petitioner put the case in front of high court. After the Dismiss of MC Case - respondednt has filed for G and WC act for child custody. for gandwc petitioner is wife - dont know where respondent(father) is staying, respondent does not know about this case and not appearing to court and court is saying to find the address of respondent.
In the MC Petition the IA application for child custody was dismissed filed by wife. will the Gand WC case get dismiss or favour in case of peitioner. daughter 8 yrs aged - is with father since birth.
1. What steps can judge take in case of g and wc
Now for MC Case - Petitioner filed case in high court to get divorce.
Petitioner of MC Case desperately need divorce.
2. Can peitioner of MC case file a fresh application for MCD based on Decision of high court if not favoured on father side
Please advice