one of my ancester mortgage agriculture property in 1947 , now i got to knew that ? can i take back my property by clearing the loan amount, with out any condition mention .
dhiru (manager) 25 June 2010
one of my ancester mortgage agriculture property in 1947 , now i got to knew that ? can i take back my property by clearing the loan amount, with out any condition mention .
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 26 June 2010
First verffy that what is the present condition, who is enjoying that one, how they got etc.., If the property is still in your ancestors name and if there is tenent your will to file a suit against the tenent if he denied to vacate.
Hackenberg (fhngfhfhg) 25 December 2010
A clear title does mean you own your home solely, but value of the title is affected by current housing prices and fluctuates. Clear titles on automobiles, unless they are rare or classic, tend to mean that the value of the automobile stably declines. Most cars decrease in value based on age, mileage, and any wear and tear.
Anandakumara MB (Lawyer) 27 December 2010
The mortgage in 1947, what condition in the mortgage is it only for enjoyment.???
Mortgagee sent any notice or endorsement by your ancestrols if not you can vocate them and get the property back.
Mortgage is always Mortgage and Mortgagor has right to reddem the morgtgagee