As per the existing law of the land manufacturers must display MRP( Maxm Retail Price) on the package of the product. But what should be the MRP? is it left totally to the manufacturers' whims and fancies? There must be some governing mechanism on printing of MRP on a product. And who is responsible to ensure that those set of rules are followed by the manufacturers?
Take the example of one kg pack Napthalene Ball brand name Wonder Clean. Guess how much is the MRP! It is Rs 276. Date of manufacture as printed on the same pack is 12/10 i.e Oct 2010. This product is available in plenty now-a-days in the URCs( military CSD Canteens). But MRP printed on a 500 gm pack of the same product i.e Napthalene ball brand name wonder clean is Rs 116/- . Date of manufacture is also same i.e 12/10. Have your noted the discrepency of very arbitrary pricing of a product at a much higher price( 2x116= 232).It is obvious that the manufacturers are misusing the clause MRP to befool the customers especially the CSD clientel.
As per the same existing law of the land a manufacturer is to display cost of manufacturing on each and every product along side MRP. Have you seen any manufacturer in India adgering to the existing order? Answer is NO. Then why the ministry of consumer affairs is seen spending crores of Rupees to amke the consumer aware on the issue of MRP only? Why there is awareness campaign by the ministry on the issue of cost of manufacturing to be inscrioted along side the MRP of a product?
Is it just a mistake , overlooked by the ordinary mortals in the ministry of consumers affairs or an evil design to benefit the unscrupulous manufactureres who seem to rule the functioning of the concerned ministry?