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Prakash (executive)     27 April 2012

Mutual concern divorcee


Can anybody give me a format for applying the certified copy of mutual concern divorce.


 5 Replies

MohammedRaffiq Bijapur (Advocate)     27 April 2012

Hello Prakash  if  u want format send ur E Mail ID to f


Anish Thakur 7018812737 (advocate)     27 April 2012


you can apply under section 13 b of the hindu marriage act in the cicil court having jurisdiction.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     27 April 2012

I think, besides some generalized points, most of the draft including terms conditions u agreed for ARE CASE SPECIFIC............

rajiv_lodha (zz)     27 April 2012

I think, besides some generalized points, most of the draft including terms conditions u agreed for ARE CASE SPECIFIC............

AKARAPU UDAYA BHASKER (advocate)     08 May 2012


 Sir I am herewith sending model petition of mutual divorce. Verify the same use it for u






DIVORCE O.P.NO.         OF 2012





2.                                                                                                                    ….Petitioners






        May it please your Honour,


As submitted in the petition, the parties are intending to claim decree of divorce under the below mentioned terms and conditions:


1.                  That the Petitioner no.1 being employee and earning person , she undertook that she will not claim any amount for her maintenance in future and in view of obtaining divorce decree. Further she also declared that she has taken away all the ornaments whatsoever given by her parents side at the time of her marriage  with Petitioner no.2 and the 3 Acres of land situated at Gudla Narwa Village,  which given by her parents are stands in her name.  In view of the present settlement, the petitioner no.1  hereby undertook and  declare and agree that in future  she will not claim in any assets , properties , items, money owned by  the petitioner no.2 and his connected ancestral or family properties  if any in any manner and nature.


2.                  That out of the wedlock the petitioners have blessed to a female child by name          now aged about 8 years who is now in the custody of the petitioner no.2 is given to the Petitioner no.1 custody as she interested to take away her . The petitioner no.1 agreed to keep the said baby with her and undertook  that she will bear all the education and all other expenses of Sharika and perform  marriage of Saharika  with her own expenses. Further the petitioner no.1 also declare and undertook that she will not claim any amount from the petitioner no.1 in future in any manner being she received all her belongings from the petitioner no.2 and she is having capacity of earning sufficient amount.



3.                  The petitioner no.1 undertook that she will not claim even for her own behalf and on behalf of the said minor daughter Saharika in future for her maintenance or in any manner, being the petitioner no.1 undertook to bear all her expenses in future.


4.                  That after disposal of the petition, being the minor daughter of the parties herein are with the petitioner no.1, she shall inform the address and residence details of the minor baby to the petitioner no.2  where she is studying or residing for meeting the baby by the petitioner no.2 for their continuation of cordial relation ship, love and affection.  The petitioner no.2 is at liberty to see his daughter at any point of time at any stage without any restriction and if required he shall take away the said minor daughter temporarily for a period of not more than seven (7) days as per the circumstances, custom and other aspect. The petitioner no.1 and 2 both shall co-operate on this aspect being it is a cordial and humanitarian ground aspect.


In view of the above conditions both the parties have agreed for the above terms and conditions with their free will and consent and pray the hon’ble court to grant divorce decree by incorporating the above conditions in the interest of justice.



Date: 26-04-2012       Petitioner.No.1      Counsel for the petitioner No.1




   Petitioner no.2.    Counsel for the petitioner no.2


erform  marriage of Saharika  with her own expenses. Further the petitioner no.1 also declare and undertook that she will not claim any amount from the petitioner no.1 in future in any manner being she received all her belongings from the petitioner no.2 and she is having capacity of earning sufficient amount.

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