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Prabhat Kumar N. (NA)     20 January 2015

Name change after marriage

I just got married and my wife wants to change her last name to my first name. We are from the state of Karnataka and yet to make marriage certificate. The thing is, she is doing her medical course. She has completed her education and is doing her medical internship which is mandatory as per her course.

I heard that to change the last name, one has to give paper publication, make an affidavit and then go for marriage certificate. Is that so ?

She has drivers license, voters id and ration card (which is with her parents). Her passport, aadhar card, pan card is yet to be done. So we are planning to use the marriage certificate to get them done.

However, my concern is, if all the formalities for the name change are done, after her internship she would have to go to the main university, to get her final certificate. There she might have to enter her name. Since her name in the university is her maiden name, is it ok for her to enter the same name, even though she has made an affidavit stating her name is changed ?

 6 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     20 January 2015

After the marriage she can use your surname.  You need not to go for any procedure.  It is automatic process.  Regarding documents they will be in her former name.  You don't have to change those documents.

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Jayashree Hariharan (Advocate)     20 January 2015

if she wants the certificate with her new surname, she has to follow the procedure set forth by that university. 


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Prabhat Kumar N. (NA)     20 January 2015

Thank you for the replies.


My query is, after her surname change can she still use her maiden name for filling forms during her internship period ? Would that still be legal ? After internship i.e. after she gets her degree certificate, however, she will use her changed name. Would that be ok ?


Also, for the state of Karnataka, can name change be done by just a joint notarized affidavit ?

Madhu Mittal (Director)     27 June 2015

Respected sirs,

"My query is, after her surname change can she still use her maiden name for filling forms during her internship period ? Would that still be legal ?"

Please answer this query, because one my known person also has almost similar problem. 

J K Agrawal (Advocates)     09 July 2015

To change name is custom only and not a legal mendate. It is up to you that you want to change it or not. you may carry on with your old name but if you want to change it any way you may have to go through some procedure. The procedure is not a fixed guide line. It depend upon the office where you want change. You just know the requirement of that institution and follow it.

To change name simple thing is that you just declare that you are now to be known by this name. It can be done by an affidavit or by publication in news paper or by publication on government gudzttee, or by having an announcement in your village and district and university or by declaring it in a party of all your friends relatinve or even bypassers.


You can change your name at any time when ever you like so. It is better idea to change name every year or even every month. There is no legal bar. Nor any body can ask you the reason of change of name.

You can keep more than one name alos. There is no legal bar but this appears to be restricted indirectly by the banks and government institutions like you can have voter cards Adhar Card Driving licence, college digree in one name only.

reena   08 October 2016

you want to change in your name so see Pan card name change online and learn the process of name changing.

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