I have found property in suth bangalore and applied loan in bank. It is a 30X40 buildup residence house, and age of the property is approximately 9 yrs. After getting legal opinion from bank lawyer, bank asked to do title search of the property.
Name mismatch has come in mutation copy of the mother deed. Actually owner of the mother deed had 4 quntas of land. After the owner's death, propertty title was changed to his wife and his three sons. While transfering the property title in the name wife 1st son, 2nd son they have given correct name ( which is registered as per govt norms) but it was by mistakenly written nick name of the third son insteed of writing original name. They above said 5 qunatas of the land converted as a residential layout and it was sold to many people.
The property which I am going to buy 30X40 totally 1200sqft comes under the above said 5 quntas of the land, Mother deed owner's wife and his three sons sold the property to second owner @yr 2000 and Second owner sold same property @year 2003 to third owner. ABN AMRO bank funded this property in year 2003 to third owner also the third owned cleared the loan which he was availed from ABN AMRO bank. Now third owner selling this property to me.
Now my bank lawyer is asking clearity on mismatch of the name ( 3rd sons name) in mutation copy. The propety third owener and second owner doesnt know about it. We searched the first Owners house and to get clarification and to get affidavit from the 3rd son, but they are not living on the address which they have mentioned the address in sale deed. Kindly suggest me how to proceed further for this case,.
So Bank lawyer asking clearity on mismatch of the name in mu