Hi, I have joined a software company in this month 12th . I have completed 1 week of service. Company is too small & don't have any processes So I would like to leave the company by this moth end. Till now I didn't signed any bond or any document.I have accepted their offer letter only
The clauses in apointment letter are as follows .
- Your employment will be in probation for 6 months.You will have a review of your performance and overall skill development assement at the end probation period.If your performance is satisfied your emplyment will be confirmed.During your probation you will not be entitled to leave with a pay or other preveliges or benifits or any other payments.which may be alloble permanet staff.
- One monthe is the minimum notice period from the date of your accepantce of the regination .Your date of regination should be mutually accepted by your in line manger & Managment.In case of adequate notice is not given in lieu of such shortfall in notice pay from the full & final settelment of your dues.On your regination during the probation period at its sole discrection has the right to maintain or wavie of the notice period in full or patral without any extra pay
I dont want to serve the notice period so I want to get releaved in a day or two. Please suggest on the below questions
1. Is it necessory to serve the one month notice period in probation period?
2. Is there any alternate option if I dont want to serve the notice period ? If required I am ready to woek for them remotely.
3. Is it enough if I send a resignation through email ? or Is it necessory to disuss with them in person face to face?
4. Idon't want any releaving letter (to make sure there there will not be any legal issues)
5.Can you please provide regination letter template for not occuring leagal issues
Please suggest.
Thanks & Regards