You can very well approach the bank and get a certified copy with the bank seal of the transcations details of your bank account which would be valid in court and you can sumbit the same in court .As regards to email eviedence it can be disputed since
Amendements in the evidence act 2000 and passing of the information technology act 2000The condition for admissibility of electronic records as per section 65 B is as follows The computer was regularly used by the person having lawfull control over the use of the computer . The information required or derived was regularly used feed into the computer I the ordinary course of the said activities .The computer was operating properly or if not did not affect the electronic record or the accuracy of the record and its contents .Section 88 A states that an email/record sent , by the originator is the same as the one that is received.
The entire emphasis is on the computer . and not on the data that is retrieved from it .Email data is not stored on the computer but on the server and now that torrents have come into use the data exists only on the internet and not on any specific computer .The second problem is accepting email as analogues compared to ordinary mail .Mail is not stolen diverted or lost but spontenously deletes itself due to virus.Between one letter and the next the sorting office deltes itself and relocates to another country .( Hence jurdiscation ) A mail is altered its envelope changed the post mark tampered and no physical evidence is produced as the ip addres may vary from place to place .A single letter is delivered to multiple recipients and hence may appear different to two different viewers .Hence Its is very difficulty to prove emails/records as evidence although accepted .