Aatreya 28 June 2015
Amol Kende (No) 28 June 2015
ok this questions are very comman
1) its 30 days from the date of order if its required additional time then cour will specify the time limit
2) Its not specified its 3 months from the date of order received to the parties in case valid reason it might get extended to 12 months to 60 months too
3) They can appeal to the Local authorities or session court first
4) Yes its correct what ever cases get drafted in the Sessions, Dist, cour that detais only get presented in the H C / S C in case any changes need to prove it before the HC / SC bences
Aatreya 01 July 2015
Aatreya 01 July 2015
Aatreya 01 July 2015