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Manish nagpal (Testing)     02 January 2020

Plot dispute legal

i have a plot in which 50% occupied by legal registry but 50 % dot have any proof but that is mine also .My neighbour create legal right on 25 % portion.but in the government record of 1937 it is definitely proved that is mine.can a tke any stay from court on 100 % portion for constructing that land.any legal document is needed if it matter goes to municipal committee or police


 3 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     02 January 2020

1. IF plot of land is in your custody since 1937, THEN you can claim "adverse possession", via a declaration suit in the local Civil Court, and then proceed, to do any legitimate activities on the plot.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

Manish nagpal (Testing)     03 January 2020

thanx sir for your reply but main problem is that we dont have any proof

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     04 January 2020

With all support of documents approach local lawyer  and act accordily 

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