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Himanshu   24 December 2017

Property division name is himanshu. My father name is nemichand ranka.he is the head is our family.he has one younger brother who's name is Jitendra and her wife name is chandrika.nw the problem is we have two flats in Mumbai. The one which we are living is in the name of chandrika. And the one which my uncle Jitendra is living is in the name of Shashi who is my shall we divide the property rather the paying stamp duty since it's a waste as the property is being divided with mutual understanding.please kindly help.


 1 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     24 December 2017

The partition deed has to be executed by your mom with her husband and children and your aunty (uncle's wife) with her husband and children.  In the partition deed " the property of Flat 1 is in the name of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(your mother) and Flat 2 is in the name of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(your aunty) was purchased by the amount of "JOINT CASH" of heirs and hence all are executing the partition" shall be mentioned in the deed.  

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