Descripttion: My self Mr.Prabakaran (Age 28), My Mother Ms Jagadeeswari (Age 45), my sister Mrs Nishanthini (Age 26) are living as joint family at Chengalpattu, Tamilnadu State and enjoying the joint rights of Ancient agricultural land of about 16 acres which was transferred to our name from my father after his death during year 2000. Now all the patta / survey numbers documents are in the joint and in the name of all three of us. Previously, all the land documents were changed in to my Father name during 1978 by my Grand father. Now my father's one and only younger sister Mrs.Parameswari (Age 53) who is my aunt filed a petition demanding 50% rights on the property. She was married during year 1978. Also 2 acres of land was given by my Father & Grand pa to her (My aunt) by means of gift deed during the time of her marriage. Kindly reply whether she has rights in our property as per Property rights of daughters who married before 1989 (tamilnadu). Last time I spoke with my aunt & uncle. As per them they need 50lacs money or 50% land. Kindly advise me how to proceed in this situation?