My grand mother have property and she passed away without any will in 1990. My grand father is alive. The have 3 sons & 3 daughters. (My father( two sons) & his two brother.) and three aunt. All are well estabilshed and good fiancial condition except my family. The property has not been partitioned. We are schedule caste. My father demand for two share because we give 50 years to this home. so that we could not build our own house. All my uncle have his own house and financial condition is good. Now builder came and make flats. builder give 6 flats to us. Our uncle not agree.
My question is:
Can my father challenge for two share in court
or can i demand share ( i am the grand children for grand fathers elder son) reason is my finacialy condition is not good.
or can i file stay order in court against my uncle and aunt.