Please guide me whether the tribal person of Jharkhand (a person has received his caste certificate from Jharkhand) can purchase the land in Madhyapradesh that belongs of tribal person ?
Vaibhav Bhole (NA) 21 September 2011
Please guide me whether the tribal person of Jharkhand (a person has received his caste certificate from Jharkhand) can purchase the land in Madhyapradesh that belongs of tribal person ?
niranjan (civil practice) 21 September 2011
It is importannt to see whether your caste is also declared tribal in MP.If yes,in that case it is better if you take prior permission of the Collector and then purchase.
Vaibhav Bhole (NA) 22 September 2011
Yes the person's caste is also declared as Tribal in M.P. but still the collector is refusing to give the permission for purchasing the tribal land in M.P. Is there any provision of law/ case law to show to the collector that the same caste tribal person of outside state can also purchase the tribal land in M.P. Please guide me.