yatin kumar (CSA) 04 April 2014
Kumar Doab (FIN) 04 April 2014
You should inform in writing (first by email then by redg post) under proper acknowledgment ,to good offices of your appointing authority,MD,Chairman with a copy to Line Manager, HR, Head in detail and mention dates, names, phone numbers, time of calls, vide which you have already informed the officials, and request them to inform insurance company from which the insurance cover for you is obtained.
If possible inquire from other colleagues, or discreetly apply your resources and they may provide the email id of mediclaimhelpdesk to you.
You may also attach scanned copy of Doctor's Rx, diagnosis, bed rest advise, lab test etc, X-ray report, etc....with email and photocopies with letter.
You are entitled for claim.
Company has decided to terminate you citing abscondment.
Act immediately.