Employer can waive off the notice period/pay inserted by it in appointment letter and accepted by employee. Submit a written request in writing to appointing authority,MD under proper acknowledgment.
If no offer letter/appointment letter was issued to you and accepted by you, no agreement is signed by you, you may claim no notice period/pay is applicable to you.
You are located in which state?
Are you under probation or confirmed in writing?
Redg. Office of the company is in which state?
How many employees are employed in this company?
Such companies are covered by Shops and Commercial Establishments Act of the state, and standing orders are applicable.
Resignation can be without permission or notice!
Notice period in (name of your state) Shops and Commercial Establishments Act should not be more than 1 month.
Model Standing Orders: Sec 13- 18 : Notice period in probation period is NIL and after confirmation 1month.
Approach a local labor Consultant/service lawyer discuss in person and proceed under expert advise of your lawyer.
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