I am attaching herewith a judgement dated 08.10.2013 wherein the Hon’ble Supreme Court gave instruction to implement 3% reservation to persons with disabilities. The Court stated that the computation of reservation for persons with disabilities has to be computed in case of Group A, B, C and D posts in an identical manner viz., “computing 3% reservation on total number of vacancies in the cadre strength”. Since the Court directed the Government to compute the number of vacancies available in all the “establishments”, whether this judgement would be applicable for promotion also or for Direct Recruitment only because there are cadres where there is no method of filling up the post by Direct Recruitment but by promotion only. Whether Government will be compelled to issue order to provide reservation in promotion also in order to implement the judgement to achieve 3% reservation. Providing reservation in promotion will be a milestone to disabled employees.
I request your valuable views.