We are in the process of sale of our ancestral house in Haryana . My sister sent me a POA registered at the Indian High Commission abroad which was then duly stamp affixed in Delhi . Now the date of sale deed registration has been extended by the purchaser for four months. I have been also informed by the purchaser that the POA will have to be reverified after expiry of sixty days from the date of its issue by the Indian High Commission since as per new rules released by Haryana Government , a POA will be valid only for sixty days . The reason provided by the local office bearers is that the physical existence of the executant of the POA has to be verified at the time of registering the sale deed and that is why reverification is required after lapse of sixty days .
IS there any such rule that POA will be vaild only for sixty days and a reverification of POA is required from the place of issue which in this case is the Indian High Commission ? If so what is the process ?