can a citizen seek copies of corespondence between two parties ( one of them ofcourse the public authority) in relation to a particular issue which is pending before the High Court ?
Rama mohan Acharya (Manager HR(Legal)) 15 February 2010
can a citizen seek copies of corespondence between two parties ( one of them ofcourse the public authority) in relation to a particular issue which is pending before the High Court ?
Binod Kumar Mishra (Government Service) 15 February 2010
anyone can seek any information under RTI Act, 2005 provided the said information is not barred for information. you better elaborate the topic that what is the information you are required to seek that has been between two parties then we may give some more opinion.
Rama mohan Acharya (Manager HR(Legal)) 15 February 2010
I will make the case more clear. There is a writ filed by a public authority aginst a private builder as the so called building may cause the security threat to the establishment of the public authority. The writ is still pending for disposal without ant interim order. Now a thisrd person using RTI ask the public authority to provide all correspondences made in ths subject.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 17 February 2010
Most likely you would get it. Move an appl with fee. It may be sub judice but nobody is expressing an opinion or commenting on it.
sinuvasu (advisor) 19 February 2010
yes u can seek the information under RTI, but the authorities can deny the information if it is associated with 3-rd party information..