You have not mentioned the city in which Vasai is located.
We are guessing it is a suburb of Mumbai hence this export house should be covered under SE Act Mumbai. The Act is attached.
If you feel that you are not able to understand the details explained below you may take the help of elders in the family, some trade union leader, competent and experienced well wishers, or any lawyer in your neighborhood, known to you.
A legal notice, from a lawyer, phone call/representation by trade union leader, Notice by Labor Inspector, Inspector under SE Act/Payment of wages Act should resolve your matter and all other employees.
The employer is flouting and violating rules, laws, enactments and may fall in trouble if all employees unite and be witness to each other.
Some employees even lodge police complaint under sec 4006, 420.
You may also go thru similar threads at LCI, e.g:
----SE Act Mumbai is so employee friendly.(Attached)
2. Definitions.
'"[(б) "Employee" means a person wholly or principally employed, whether
directly or through any agency, and whether for wages or other consideration in
or in connection with any establishment; and includes an apprentice,
25. Employer to furnish identity card to employee.
38. ………Inspector under SE Act Bombay shall be the Wages Inspector (as in Payment of Wages Act) for all employees.
[З8 А. Application of Act VIII of 1923 to employees of establishment.-The provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act,
^[ЗВ-В. Application of Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act to establishments.-The provisions of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, in its application to the State of Maharashtra [(hereinafter in this section referred to as "the said Act"), and the rules and standing orders (including model standing orders) made thereunder from time to time, shall, mutatis rnuimdis, apply to all establishments wherein fifty or more employees are employed and to which this Act applies, as if they were industrial establishment within the meaning of the said Act.
(Implies if company is under SE Act and if it has not framed its standing orders the model standing orders shall apply to all employees. Model Standing Orders are attached. You can also download from Dept. of Labor Maharashtra/Bombay website also. Thus while you can approach Inspector under SE Act you should also be eligible to approach Labor Inspector/ALC.)
{ Model Standing Orders: 3. Tickets, 11. Payment of wages, 13. Termination of employment, 15. Complaints, 17. Liability of 17[employer].--, 18. Exhibition of standing orders.-)}
51. Employer [and manager to produce registers, records etc. for inspection.
( Implies that if you lodge a complaint the Inspector can not check all records, your personnel file but can take these to his office. You may obtain certified copies and even peruse RTI route.)
Moreover the Inspector is under obligation report every two months as given in Sec.66
55. False entries by employer and manager.
58. Determination of employer for the purpose of this
бб. Notice of termination of service:
You would need to take a stand that you were made to resign for signing in the register with red ink. You have worked for less than 3 months and as per Sec 66 of Se Act Bombay 15 days notice should have been given.
---Model Standing Orders:
13. Termination of employment : (2) No temporary workman whether monthly-rated, weekly-rated or piece-rated and no probationer or badli shall be entitled to any notice or pay in lieu thereof if his services are terminated
Implying that in your case no notice period is required. As per SE Act Bombay Stanbding orders shall apply.
---Payment of Wages Act:
16. Single application in respect of claims from unpaid group.
All employees should stand as a witness to each other and lodge individual or single application.
On any day all employees may click photo of attendance register and each standing near attendance register.
Kindly approach a lawyer/law firm specializing in cases pertaining to SE Act, and get the points discussed above clarified.
You may access Dept. of Labor website/SE Inspectorate and thus obtain latest version of the enactment and contact details of the Inspector.
The enactment is effective and many of the employees have obtained relief including in case of termination.