Plaintiff bought a piece of land through a Power of Attorney Holder in the year 2013. His name got mutated in the land revenue records in the year 2015. Since then, he was enjoying peaceful possession of his property. He passed away on Sept-2018 and immediately after that the land was sold by the erstwhile owner to a third person (in spite of the plaintiff's name being there on the 7/12 extract)
The agent (PoA holder) sold the land stating that it is a non-agricultural land and also attached a NA order along with the sale deed documents. During mutation it was identified that the NA order was cancelled and hence the Plaintiff's name was updated in the right hand section of the 7/12 extract.
The remaining details are mentioned in the atatched document. Request experts to guide me in this situation as to what are the chances of the Plaintiff to get the desired relief.