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Ram Prakash Gautam (Branch Accounts Manager)     13 February 2023

Sign & stamp

Dear Experts !

Greetings !

I draw your attention for attachment and we need your advice . Matter is 

1. Bank issued a certificate .

2. And stamped Signature Verified , where this certificate is issued by Bank so as per my knowledge this stamp should not affix here.

3. And Stamped but there is no signature of officials of Bank.

Is this valid documents ? Stamp is valid without signature ??  or Signature is valid without Stamp ?

Kindly highlight my knowledge . 



 1 Replies

RAKESH ISHI   24 March 2023

In general, a certificate issued by a bank should have both a stamp and a signature to be considered a valid document. The stamp serves as an official seal of the bank, indicating that the information on the certificate has been verified, while the signature serves as a way to authenticate the document and confirm that it was issued by an authorized bank official.

If the certificate has a stamp but no signature, it may be considered incomplete or invalid. Similarly, if it has a signature but no stamp, it may also be considered incomplete or invalid.

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