pardeep kumar 24 November 2016
Sachin (N.A) 24 November 2016
The Magistrate may direct the respondent to return to the possession of the aggrieved person her stridhan or any other property or valuable security to which she is entitled to.
The complainant need to prove that she has purchased the items calimed by her and the items are still in the possesion of her inlaws or husband.
There will be Excise department allotted numbers on the bills, that are sufficient to check autheticity, if fake bills are given, that will be a added case where bill provider will come under scanner and one more additional casea of perjury can be filed against the false bill provider. If there are no bills, then the items cannot be claimed. As simple as that.
Samarpan (M)99958670740 (Free legal advice and legal aid cell) 26 November 2016
Stridhan can be claimed in DV case. By producing the bills if they were purchased and if gifts presented to her at, during or after the marriage by producing the persons who gifted them,and also proving that those were lying in matrimonial home, she can claim them.
Need Legal Help (Finance consultant) 29 April 2017
Anyone can come up with back dated bill. How can court take that as an evidence?