Hello Friends and helpful lawyers
I have followed advice given at this forum and have approached a lawyer for quashing of the FIR and charge sheet - sec 420,467 and 468.
My relatives have filed a case using an cancelled POA for a land transfer sayiong that I have tried to acquire a property using my uncle as POA.I have signed in the witnessbox- The POA has been canelled because the cosinger- for this POA my mother doid not attend in person so the department has cancelled the same.
My brother and other members out of jealousy had filed a FIR when I was absent and abroad.
supposed Incident occured in 2006 FIR filed in 2008 . I am an NRI and was not in India when FIR was filed.asmenitoned earler I am a Dr working abroad.
They want to drag me to India and loose my job abroad.
I have follwed advice given by lawyers in this forum and approached a lawyer in Chennai HC who said quashing is a good option and can be done.
My query is
How is quashing don?
On what ground is quashing given in this case?
How many days does qaushing takes?
Can i come to India when the case is proceeding?
Can I visit my place ?
How confident can i be on getting my case quashed?
The lawyer after reading the charge shhet laughed and asked how can family memebers be so cruel? he said very easily case can be quashed.
I am writing in the forum because it this forum that adivced my to go for quashing.
any more suggestion in any regards is welcome