We are settled in PUne since last 25 years where as my father had property in Karnataka (Belgaum).
He expired recently at our pune house and his death certificate carry permanent address as Pune Address.
We have created certificate of legal heir through affidvate.
When we took this certificate to our home town (to transfer farm land) the Tehsildar asked us to produce VARSA certificate. When I tried finding it I couldn't get any information in maharastra where as for Belgaum district there is clear format avaialble online for such certificate. I approached talati office (our home is in gram panchayat) for details he mentioned that I need to do affidivate and letter from police patil stating who are legal heirs.
When I spoke to gram panchayant guys they told me to get polic patil's letter from home town since pune police patil don't know you.
I am not able proceed due to lack of legal knowledge.
Could anybody help us to understand legal process of transffering property to wife where person has died in different state than home town?
Any help on this highly appreciated.