Dear legal experts,
I have query regarding validity of vakalatnama document signed by me some 17months back appointing my lawyer to fight any anticipated dowry related cases after my wife deserted(to hyd her parents place and working there) me 23mths back after 1yr in marriag life in chennai. As anticipated i got 498a+maintenance(9months afte desertion) and DV package(19mths after desertion) in hyd which come in wrong jurisdiction in first place since even incidents alleged in 498a also mentioned to happen in chennai. i am citizen of chennai and my wife also acquaired chennai citizenship lived 1yr in chennai only immediately after marriage. Both of our parents live in hyd.
Now the DV case is in court for hearing and unfortunately am in different city on office wok deputation and cannot be there in person to counter. my lawyer has doubt on validity of the vakalatname signed 17mths back to counter my case now. i cannot get a new vakalatnama signed now in new city i am working presently as i cannot use my current temporrary office accomodation provided for any pesonal case communication. how do i handle this situation to counter my case?
1)can my lawyer use the vakalatname signed 17mths back to counter my cases?
2)can i give GPA to my brother or father to appoint a lawyer? what is the procedure if this is possibility and time this takes?
3) is filing a DV case valid after 19mths of desertion?