My name is Virendra am 27 yrs old and live away from my family , I need some advice from you.
am not employed right now , so to kill the time i buy rental English dvds, like horror and thriller movies and watch it on my PC . Unfortunately all these movies have some s*xual content in it.
Yesterday I was watching a movie and my next door aunty saw it when there was a topless girl getting killed by the serial killer, She thought I was watching s*x videos. I told her that these are English horror movie and said to her that am a major and I can watch these types of movies. Now she and her husband are threatening me that they will report it to the police and get me arrested for watching s*xual content.
I want to know whether watching adult content in India is against the law of the land.
Can I get arrested for this.Please help , am very afraid because it will affect my life and career.